Chinese ear acupuncture – online course

Chinese ear acupuncture – online course

11 hours videoes  and an e-book

Watch the videos and learn the basics of ear acupuncture – both theoretical and practical. You learn to reduce/remove pain in less than 1 minute, e.g. pain in the back, shoulder and other musculoskeletal systems. You learn points for bones, muscles, nerves, organs, points of the head, special points, dermatomes, etc. The points and the technique are described and shown in detail in first images, then in videoes in rubber ears and finally in natural ears, so you can be absolutely sure that you know the points and how they are treated.

Knowledge of the meridians and the 5 elements is a prerequisite for being able to carry out a qualified treatment. You therefore learn these and the common diseases that relate to them and how to treat them with ear acupuncture.

You also learn a treatment model that ensures you a simple but effective method to give your client qualified treatment. At the same time, it ensures you a sense of security in your work.

The treatment model is illustrated with examples from my clinic that illustrate the theoretical and practical approach to a patient’s problems and how they are solved with ear acupuncture.

You also need to learn the Chinese clock and organ-related muscles and how to treat them with ear acupuncture – to be able to help your client, if they are the problem.

The videos are as follows:

  1. Intro
  2. Basic theori
  3. Technique-Navigationmarks
  4. Skeleton/muscles /nerves
  5. Dermatomes
  6. Organs
  7. Points of the head
  8. Special points
  9. Organ-related muscles
  10. The 5 elements
  11. Disorders in the aspects
  12. Meridians
  13. Chinese Clock
  14. Cases in my clinic
  15. Outro

In order for you to feel safe that you can find the points, you must send me some pictures with selected points either by SMS, email or messenger. You shall insert needles into those points either in a natural ear or a rubber ear. You will of course get feedback on that.

Use ear acupuncture alone or combine it with other treatment, e.g. massage, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, etc. You can also use the ear acupuncture courses privately to treat yourself.

Chinese ear acupuncture - online course

Chinese ear acupuncture – online course

Join the course – fill out the formular below!

Start whenever it suits you and watch the videos and learn, when it fits into your schedule.

Price: 630 Euro

Student opinion: Lisbet has participated in three courses, where Vivian Birlie has taught, among other things ear acupuncture: “Vivian is a skilled teacher who has a great deal of knowledge and experience in her field.

Vivian is good at conveying her knowledge in relation to her experiences, and uses these as examples in teaching, which gives the student a good understanding.

The teaching alternates between theoretical review and practical exercises. This provides a good dynamic, and strengthens the student’s learning and independence in performing the manual skills.

Vivian has prepared compendiums for each course, which are clear, easy to read and subsequently use in practice.”

Lisbet Anker Andersen
Tempelvej 17, Arnakke
4390 Vipperød

Chinese ear acupuncture – online course

Join the course – fill out the formular below!

Start whenever it suits you and watch the videos and learn, when it fits into your schedule.

Price: 630 Euro

Student opinion: Lisbet has participated in three courses, where Vivian Birlie has taught, among other things ear acupuncture: “Vivian is a skilled teacher who has a great deal of knowledge and experience in her field.

Vivian is good at conveying her knowledge in relation to her experiences, and uses these as examples in teaching, which gives the student a good understanding.

The teaching alternates between theoretical review and practical exercises. This provides a good dynamic, and strengthens the student’s learning and independence in performing the manual skills.

Vivian has prepared compendiums for each course, which are clear, easy to read and subsequently use in practice.”

Lisbet Anker Andersen
Tempelvej 17, Arnakke
4390 Vipperød

Kontakt os / contact us

Klinik på Lystrupvej 32, 3550 Slangerup. Kører også ud mod tillæg.

Vivian Birlie

Vivian Birlie har praktiseret og undervist i zoneterapi og akupunktur i 20 år og udbyder en professionel zoneterapiuddannelse og diverse kurser bl.a. selvhjælpskurser. Hun har udgivet 5 bøger om zoneterapi og akupunktur – 2 af dem på Gyldendal. Læs mere om bøgerne her.

Vivian holder foredrag rundt omkring i landet, hvor hendes nye bog ”Skab balance i krop og sind, Gyldendal 2020, indgår som en naturlig del.

Hun er RAB-registreret i zoneterapi og akupunktur, hvilket betyder, at Sygeforsikringen "danmark" giver tilskud til hendes behandlinger, der også er dækket af langt de fleste sundhedsforsikringer.

Læs mere om Vivian her.



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